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[雅思考前必刷]2024年1月雅思口语考前必刷题Part 2&3地点类

2024.01.05 16:01


2024年1月雅思口语考前必刷题Part 2&3


Describe a park or garden in your city.

You should say:

Where it is

When you often go there

What you often do there

And explain what it is like

1.Do you think people should keep parks and gardens clean?

2.Are public parks or gardens popular among people who live in cities?

3.Why do some people like growing vegetables?

4.Do you think people of all ages like to go to parks?

5.What do old people like to do in parks?

Describe a beautiful city you have visited.

You should say:

Where the city is

When you went there

Why you went there

And explain why it is beautiful

1.Why do some like to visit historical cities?

2.Do you think it is hard to protect historical buildings?

3.Who should be responsible for protecting historical buildings?

4.Do you thi nk those tall buildings in cities look similar?

Describe a place in your country that you think is interesting.

You should say

Where it is

How you knew it

What special features it has

And explain you are interested in it

1. Do people in different regDo people in different regions of your country have different personalities?ions of your country have different personalities?

2. Do you think a great tourist city is a good place for living?Do you think a great tourist city is a good place for living?

3. Why do some people believe that small towns are more suitable for living than big cities?Why do some people believe that small towns are more suitable for living than big cities?

4. Do you think only youngsters like trying newDo you think only youngsters like trying new things? What about people of your parents’ things? What about people of your parents’ age?




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