2023.08.09 10:33
22 从...急剧地增长到...
lncrease dramatically from...to...
lncrease drastically from...to...
lncrease sharply from..to...
Increase hugely from...to...
lncrease enormously from.to...
lncrease steeply from...to...
Increase substantially from...to...
Increase considerably from...to...
Increase significantly from ...to...
lncrease markedly from...to...
lncrease surprisingly from...to...
Increase strikingly from...to...
lncrease radically from...to...
lncrease remarkably from...to...
lncrease vastly from...to...
lncrease noticeably from...to...
23 由这些数据我们可以推导出
The figures indicate
The figures suggest
It can be indicated from the figures that
lt can be suggested from the figures that
lt can be concluded from the figures that
As can be indicated from the figures
As can be suggested from the figures
As can be concluded from the figures
The statistics indicate
The statistics suggest
lt can be indicated from the statistics that
lt can be suggested from the statistics that
lt can be concluded from the statistics that
As can be indicated from the statistics
As can be suggested from the statistics
As can be concluded from the statistics
24 由该表格我们可以清楚地看出...的数字发生了巨大的变化
lt is obvious in the table that the number of... has undergone dramatic changes
lt is clear in the table that the number of.. has undergone dramatic changes
lt is apparent in the table that the number of... has undergone dramatic changes
lt is manifest in the table that the number of... has undergone dramatic changes
25 通过分析这两个图,我们可以清楚地看出
By analyzing the two charts, we can see that
By analyzing the two charts, we can see clearly that
By analyzing the two charts, we can conclude that
26 第一幅流程图展示了
The first diagram shows that
The first diagram reveals that
The first diagram presents that
The first diagram represents that
The first diagram depicts that
The first diagram describes that
The first diagram demonstrates that
The first diagram illustrates that