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2023.07.28 16:15



Describe something you cannot live without (not a computer/phone).

Part 3

1. Why are children attracted to electronic devices?

Children love all sorts of games, and today some of the most exciting games, that areso easy to start playing and set up, are basically on tablets and phones.Children liketo play colourful, entertaining games, and electronic devices now have tonnes of appsand games for all different tastes,for all different types of people. Tablets probablyhave the biggest range of games that we've ever seen in the history of humankind,actually.So, kids and adults love them - and sometimes even get addicted to them.

2. Why do some adults hate to throw away old things, such as clothes?

Some adults are really like this. Especially people from the older generation who livedin times of greater austerity. They think that wasting things is not good, especially ifyou can repair things yourself or continue to use them. I can see this point of view,because we live in a very wasteful society - with the increase in consumerism andstandard of living, some people forget the importance of trying to take care of things,and teach children to respect toys and possessions. So, there are still quite a few adultswho believe we should have a greater respect for things we have and not just throwthem away frivolously without thinking.

3. What do you think influences people to buy new things?

Adverts and peer pressure. People are highly influenced by what others buy - friendsand family - and what adverts tell us to buy. We are surrounded by media today -online media,adverts in elevators,subway stations and on the sides of buses...everywhere. So, they have a strong conscious and unconscious influence on the waywe think and the things we want to buy.People where I am from can be said to be‘fashion victims’too,and to save face they must follow the latest trends. Somepeople.







