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2023.07.28 15:48



Describe a toy you got in your childhood.

Part 3

1. Do boys and girls like the same kind of toys?

Boys and girls usually are given different types of toys, at least traditionally. Typically girls are given dolls and things that are associated with beauty,clothes,accessories and so forth.And boys are given more typically masculine toys like trucks, cars and dinosaurs. However,there are still a lot of stereotypes in how girls and boys are brought up, and so sometimes I think these stereotypes are confirmed and asserted too strongly by TV and parents and media.

2. Why do you think some parents buy lots of toys for their kids instead of spending more time with them?

Some parents think that children should be given everything they want,and also if they do not have much time to spend with their children they try to compensate by buying them gifts all the time.

3. What are some of the differences between the toys kids play with nowadays and those they used to play with in the past?

One of the main differences is that children today play a lot with tablets, phones, you know,mobile devices. Whereas in the past they did not really have these forms of entertainment. Kids would read more, play with physical toys more, things like this.

4. Are there any kinds of electronic games or computer games that can have educational benefits for young children?

Yes, there are lots actually. There are some real benefits to playing games on tablets and some games are quite educational, related to learning vocabulary in foreign languages, or even one's own language, number games and all sorts of things like this.Electronic games can be great, but parents must be careful to not allow children to get too attached or even addicted to such devices.

5. What do parents usually buy for their children to make them happy?

Some parents indulge their kids a lot with sweets and toys in order to make them happy. It's often said that many wealthy parents spoil their children by giving themeverything they want,and that isn't a way to create a good longer-term bond with children. So, a lot of parents try to get a balance between giving their kids things that make them happy, and ensuring they learn that you can't have everything you want in life, whenever you want it.







