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2023.06.06 16:40




Describe a time when you were late for an important event.

Part 3

1.Why do you think some people are often late for meetings or appointments?

Some people are notoriously late for things because they are badly organized and cannot manage their time well. That’s one reason. Another reason is because they are taking on too many responsibilities and can’t really fit all the things in that they need to in life, and this causes some things to slip by the wayside, and get left till last, and sometimes get forgotten. So, it can be one reason or another, or a mixture of the two, which cause people to be late frequently for things.

2.Do you think it’s important to be on time?

Generally, yes, I do think it’s important to be on time. Being punctual is a good habit and means that you can preempt things in life and manage your time and responsibilities well, both for yourself and for others. Being organized is a basic skill, actually. And life is always a lot easier if you can manage your time, autonomously, without someone always reminding you of your duties and obligations. It’s especially important if you have a family, children, and work to all juggle and arrange. So, yes, it’s important to get into the habit of being on time for everything.

3.Do you think people are born with time management skills or they can develop such skills?

I think that people need to develop these skills. For example, if a person is too spoiled by their parents and they have everything done for them, they are likely to grow up with poor management skills and time-management skills. This isn’t going to be helpful for their life and future career. So, from childhood to schooling years to university years and beyond, it’s vital that a person learn the importance of managing time well, and nurture the ability. I don’t think it’s something that comes naturally to people – though I would argue that some people are more likely to be born with the disposition to be organized or disorganized, to a point. But certainly awareness and training is key, too.







