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2023.05.18 12:01




Describe a time when someone gave you something that you really wanted.

You should say:

When it happened

What it was

Who gave it to you

And explain why you wanted it so much

A time that comes to mind instantly when someone gave me something I really wanted was the time I was a kid and I got a bike. I always wanted a bike. My parents had moved to a new community that had a large garden with wide winding paths and places to play, and so there was plenty of room for cycling around on a bike, and also a few other kids who lived in the area, who did so. So, I was delighted when on my 10th birthday I got a bike. I didn’t know how to ride a bike, so that was a learning curve too. My father presented it to me and it was a lovely sunny day, too, so I could instantly go outside and use it. We spent a few hours practicing how to actually cycle, along the paths in the community. It was great, and I picked it up rather quickly. I had wanted a bike so much because I liked the idea of zipping around fast and I’ve always been a big fan of these kind of things – you know, speed and excitement. A bike also offers a sort of practical element too – I ended up going to the community shop on the bike to pick up items my mother and father needed to buy and things like this. So, I enjoyed the fun and also the practicality of having a bike. This is something I had always dreamed I would do. I am actually a keen cyclist today, still, and I go on long bike rides into the mountains and countryside with friends on weekends sometimes. So, I think my love for cycling and bikes dates back to when I was a kid.

Part 3 >>>2023年5月雅思口语题part3:描述某人给的你很想要的东西答案







