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2023.03.31 21:26



People's shopping habits depend more on the age group they belong to than any other factors. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 




这个题目中的People's shopping habits depend more on the age group,注意这里的比较,然后思考影响人们购物习惯的因素都有哪些,其实影响因素很难来进行比较。从年龄这个角度来说,确实不同的年龄阶段喜欢购买的东西不一样,比如年轻人更喜欢在新事物上消费,稍微年长的一辈讲究货真价实,更愿意买实用性更高的物品。但除了年龄以外,还有其他影响因素,比如个人品味、财富、社会阶层等。


Paragraph 1: 复述题目,提出自己的观点。

Paragraph 2: 年龄对人们购物习惯的影响。

Paragraph 3: 其他因素对人们购物习惯的影响。

Paragraph 4:总结,复述自己的观点。


Many would argue that an individual's shopping habits depend more on age demographics than other factors. In my opinion, age is relevant in terms of a person's tastes, however social class is a greater determiner.

Those who would argue in favor of age point out how a person's preferences are largely fixed. The past several decades have witnessed seismic changes in culture, particularly related to technology. A person who grew up before the digital age is more inclined to spend money on books, holidays, furniture, and other non-digital items. The style of these items is also likely to be more traditional and less modern. However, someone under the age of 40, is more likely to spend on a new phone, electronic vehicle such as a Tesla, or clothing and furniture that is more modern and minimalist. These disparities widen when considering the youngest generations who are even more inclined to value the virtual world through purchases such as NFTs and cryptocurrencies.

However, for the majority of major purchases, wealth determines what a person can afford and therefore buy. This is evident for a variety of products ranging from food and wellness items to technology and fashion. For instance, most individuals would love to buy the newest smartphone when it is released, drive in a luxury car and shop for expensive and healthy organic products at the supermarket. However, one's financial status will either allow a person to express these desires or force them to live frugally. The best evidence for this is the lack of discretion children show when it comes to shopping. They are uninhibited by financial concerns and therefore attempt to buy whatever they like.

In conclusion, despite the clear differences in taste present in individuals or different generations, financial flexibility is the clearest factor influencing a person's shopping habits. This has been true for most of history and still remains the case today.


shopping habits: what people usually buy

depend more on: has more to do with

age demographics: age groups, generations

greater determiner: has more importance for

preferences: likes

largely fixed: mostly don't change

witnessed seismic changes: undergone big alterations

inclined: like to

electronic vehicle: cars like a Tesla that don't run on gasoline

minimalist: simple and refined

disparities widen: differences get bigger

NFTs : a form of online product (non-fungible tokens)

cryptocurrencies: Bitcoin, Ethereum, etc.

wellness items: products for your health




