2023.02.17 22:05
开头段: 改写题目
综述段: 整个世界的60岁以上人口在增长,其中亚洲人口增速最快,非洲人口增速最慢。
主体段一: 具体描述世界人口的变化以及重点州人口增长情况
主体段二: 具体描述拉丁美洲和非洲的人口增长情况
The table illustrates the number of people over 60 years old on six various continents in the year 2000 and their predicted growth rate in 2050. It also shows the whole world population above 60 in these years.
Overall, all regions will see an increase in the size of their older population between 2000 and 2050. The Asian population is projected to ascend the fastest during this period, while the slowest growth rate of population is foreseen to occur in Africa.
In 2000, the world population of the 60+ age group was 13%, with an expected increase to 24% in 2050. The highest population of this age group was in Europe, which is anticipated to experience a growth from 22% in 2000 to 31% by 2050. Asia, Oceania and North America had a similar population (ranging from 11-12%) of over-60-year-olds in 2000, but the figure in these three areas is predicted to double by 2050.
Latin America had a 7% population of the 60+ age group, which is forecast to increase approximately two and a half times, reaching 18% by 2050. Africa had the least population in 2000, but this figure is also expected to grow more than twice, arriving at 12% by 2050.
(205 words)
1.predicted growth rate 预估增长率
2.be projected to 预计
3.ascend 上升
4.be foreseen to 将会
5.be anticipated to 预估
6.be predicted to 预测
7.be forecast to 预计
8.be expected to 将会