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2023.01.04 14:20



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Throughout history, people have dreamed of living in a perfect society, but they have not agreed on what an ideal society would be like. 

What do you think is the most important element of a perfect society in the modern world? 

How can people work towards achieving an ideal society?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.














The ideal society, despite its various names and forms and exceeding difficulty to attain, has long been a common aspiration for philosophers, political leaders and common citizens alike. It is therefore crucial to identify its core feature so as to progress towards this noble goal. 

There are a number of elements that could be considered important in a perfect world, but I believe that the main one is equality. This is especially true in terms of opportunity, race, gender and access to essential services such as education and healthcare, so it should be enshrined into the constitution of any modern society in order for it to be fair and successful. Having a level playing field for all community members can ensure that no individual is disadvantaged simply due to their background or circumstances. This will also lead to greater social cohesion, unity, and prosperity for all members of society.

Forming an ideal society is no easy feat, but it can be done through collaboration, dedication and hard work. People can work towards this desired state by encouraging positive change in their personal lives and in the wider community. This could involve becoming more civically engaged, voting for lawmakers who share similar values and participating in initiatives that promote equality. Furthermore, individuals should also seek out opportunities to help those in need – whether that is volunteering with a local charity or providing support for marginalised communities. All these measures serve as essential stepping stones towards creating an inclusive and equitable society.

In general, it is critical to promote equality among community members in an attempt to construct a perfect society. To this end, concerted efforts must be made to change people’s mindsets both at the personal level and as a community at large.

(292 words)


1.exceeding difficulty to attain实现的难度极大

2.common aspiration 共同追求

3.access to essential services 享用基本服务(的机会)

4.be enshrined into the constitution 写进宪法中

5.a level playing field 公平环境

6.social cohesion, unity, and prosperity 社会凝聚、团结和繁荣

7.becoming more civically engaged 参与更多社会事务

8.volunteering with a local charity 为本地慈善团体做义工

9.providing support for marginalised communities 帮助弱势群体

10.stepping stones 踏脚石




