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2022.11.20 18:35



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Too much money is wasted on repairing old buildings that should be used to knock them down and build new ones.

To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.














Archaic, obsolete town halls, mansions and shopping can be space-inefficient by modern standards and often expensive to maintain. Some critics, therefore, argue that such financial commitments should instead be made for the construction of new, better-designed buildings to meet the needs of present-day communities and businesses. Is this the right approach?

Preservation of certain out-of-date buildings, especially those recognized as heritage sites, can be beneficial. The primary reason is that these structures, often where religious, political or cultural events have been hosted, are notable testimony to history. A guided walk through them, especially those carefully maintained to reflect their original state, can be an immersive experience itself and give locals and tourists a sense of connection to the past, which more than justifies the conservation efforts. Another contribution of these historical sites is economic. The aesthetic appeal of their valuable materials, decorative facades and unusual glasswork means these buildings often serve as photogenic, popular tourist destinations, a major financial source for local councils and businesses.

Other out-of-date buildings are far less valuable and should therefore give way to redevelopment. The most cited reason is the scarcity of urban space to accommodate the exponential population growth in recent decades. Owing to advances in architectural design and construction, high-rise complexes have been shown to be a more cost-effective solution to residential and commercial needs. It should also be recognized that many old buildings, intended as good-enough functional spaces, were far from future-proofed exemplars of architectural craftsmanship. It is not surprising that after years of heavy use, their structural integrity and functionality can deteriorate substantially while ad hoc repair can be too costly to be sustainable.

In general, it is difficult to argue that all old buildings deserve substantial financial support for maintenance and restoration. Although it is justifiable to do so in the case of selected sites with historical and cultural significance, there is just no point in retaining the rest, potentially dangerous housing and commercial buildings, when modern structures are clearly superior in many ways.

(334 words)


1.space-inefficient by modern standards 按照现代标准来看对空间利用不足

2.make financial commitments 承诺投放财政资源

3.heritage sites遗址

4.a sense of connection to the past 与过去的关联感

5.aesthetic appeal 美感

6.valuable materials, decorative facades and unusual glasswork 贵重建材、外墙装饰、独特窗花

7.photogenic, popular tourist destinations 上镜的旅游胜地

8.scarcity of urban space 城市空间稀缺

9.future-proofed exemplars of architectural craftsmanship 经得起时间考验的建筑工艺典范

10.structural integrity and functionality 结构完整性和功能性




