
资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思写作 > 正文

2022.07.28 10:09



You should spend about 40 minutes on this task.

Write about the following topic:

Some people believe that university students should pay all the cost of studies because university education only benefits students themselves not the society as a whole.

To what extent do you agree to disagree?

Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.

Write at least 250 words.






【解决】很显然两部分的观点我们都很难表示赞同,因此选择完全不同意题目的观点。此时中间分为主要两部分(2-3段),分别论证:1)不应当让大学生支付全部的学习费用 (论证这样做的弊端,或者给出由政府承担一定份额学费的好处);2)大学教育让学生和社会都受益(指出大学教育对社会输送人才等)








The proportion of university students has been rising in almost every country. Many people insist that the educational expense should be borne by students themselves, since they are studying for their own sake not for the community. However, I firmly believe that tertiary education benefits individuals as well as the society as a whole, and a certain proportion of state-sponsored fees should be offered to students.

Evidently, the society reaps benefits from higher education, although the students seem to be the direct beneficiary. University study nurtures the skills of students who would eventually enter the job market, trying to make personal achievement and serving the community at the same time. For example, a medical student would work in health sector, saving thousands of people's lives; a normal university student would possibly become a teacher, cultivating future generations. In short, higher education fosters talented professionals who can bring prosperity to the nation.

If the cost of higher education is to be paid solely by the students, then there would be many young adults losing out on essential education. Students from financially disadvantaged families would be unable to pay full tuition fees as it is usually expensive, which means they are deprived of the opportunities to go to a university. In the long run, the disparities in the society would become widened, meaning that social stability would suffer from this.

It is also evident that societies that have state sponsored education are more successful than those that do not. Countries that have government allowance or free education for their students have outperformed those that compel students to pay exorbitant fees. Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark and Finland are a few examples of successful and happy societies where students get state sponsored education.

To conclude, the benefits of higher education are enjoyed by the society as well as individuals as all students ultimately contribute to the society. Therefore the costs of their education should not be borne by themselves only, and government subsidies would be necessary in this respect.

(333 words)


educational expense 教育支出

be borne by 由…负担

for one's own sake 为了某人自己的利益

state-sponsored adj. 政府资助的

reap benefits from 从…获得利益

the direct beneficiary 直接受益者

serve the community 服务社会

health sector 医疗部门

normal university 师范大学

lose out on 失去, 未能获得

financially disadvantaged families 经济落后的家庭

be deprived of 被剥夺了…

disparity n. 差距

social stability 社会稳定

government allowance 政府津贴

outperform v. 比…表现好

exorbitant adj. 高额的

ultimately adv. 最终

government subsidy 政府补贴




