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2022.06.07 13:32



Some people say that travelling abroad is necessary for learning about other countries, while others do not think so because TV and the Internet can give the same information. 

Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.














The technological advances over recent decades have meant it is much easier for the average person to find out about the climate, landscape and tourist attractions in other parts of the world. Given such convenient access to information, some people argue that it is no longer necessary to go through the trouble of travelling to and staying in any foreign country. Is this claim justified?    

Some people say that electronic media can, to some extent at least, satisfy their need to learn about exotic destinations, and I can understand their point of view. The tech-savvy young population, for instance, are no strangers to cloud-based resources on this topic, frequently exploring and recommending websites and applications that feature high-definition photos and 360-degree videos. Seniors and other community members with mobility limitations, unable to visit as many countries as they wish, probably also recognize the importance of having a rich media repertoire for their enjoyment. 

Others, however, might argue that despite the wonder of technology, it cannot emulate one’s physical presence. Travel enthusiasts most likely find their own journeys more memorable than watching documentaries or video blogs about their favourite destinations, given the tastes, touches and smells unique to the trips. Children, similarly, can benefit from such immersive experience of the local landscape and culture that no educational video can offer.

Personally, I think the question depends on how much time you have. For people who are busy with work or study, it is not realistic to arrange frequent week-long vacations abroad, so professionally curated media content may be the best alternative outside of holiday seasons. However, if you have plenty of time at your disposal, paying a visit to a new country and being absorbed in the experience can be rewarding, especially during off-peak months.

To conclude, since international travel and media resources each offer their own advantages, I think there is enough choice for everyone these days. 

(317 words)


1.convenient access to information 便利地获取信息 

2.electronic media 电子媒介

3.The tech-savvy young population 熟悉科技的年轻人群体

4.cloud-based resources 云端资源

5.websites and applications that feature high-definition photos and 360-degree videos 提供高清照片和全景视频的网站和应用

6.seniors and other community members with mobility limitations 老人和其他行动不便的人群

7.a rich media repertoire 丰富的媒体库

8.emulate one’s physical presence 比得上亲身造访

9.immersive experience 沉浸式体验

10.week-long vacations 长达一周的假期




