2022.03.01 11:34
通过图形判断这是一个静态表格图,图中一共有两个对象,一是六个国家,另外是有偿假期的类型,共分为两类,最后一列是总假期时长。在雅思写作中这种类型图表出现的频率很高,如果进行分组建议按照假期类型进行分组,主体段可以用2-3段分别描述有偿假期,有偿公共假日和总有偿假期数。在这里说明一下,paid vacation相当于年假,paid public holidays是公共假日,比如中国的国庆节中秋节就属于公共假期的范畴。
开头段: 改写题目
综述段: 六个国家工作者的有偿假期各不相同,其中芬兰的工作者有偿假期最多,而日本工作者的有偿假期最少。
主体段一: 六个国家有偿年假的总结和数据对比
主体段二: 六个国家有偿公共假日和总假日的总结和数据对比
The table illustrates the minimum number of paid holidays comprising two categories for full-time employees in six different countries in 2016.
Overall, workers in each country were entitled to varying numbers of paid holidays throughout the year. Finland had the highest number of total paid holidays, while Japan had the fewest.
With regard to paid vacation, the table shows that employees in Sweden and Finland enjoyed the most paid vacation days among the six countries at 25, while employees in China were only given five days, which was the least among the six countries. Australia had a relatively high number of paid holidays at 20, twice as many as Japan or the USA.
In terms of paid public holidays, employees except Sweden and Japan are allowed for similar days at 10 (Australia and the United States) and 11 (China and Finland). In total, Finland had the highest figures for paid holidays at 36, followed closely by Australia at 30. It is interesting to note that Japan had the fewest paid holidays at only 10. China, Sweden, and the United States had 16, 25, and 20 days respectively.
1.be entitled to 有权获得
2.varying numbers of 不同数量的
3.with regard to 关于
4.twice as many as 两倍于
5.in terms of 对…而言
6.be allowed for 被允许…
7.followed closely by 紧随其后的是…
8.It is interesting to note that… 值得注意的是…