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2021.09.07 15:14




Describe a piece of equipment that is important in your home.

You  should say:

What  it is

How  often you use it

Who  you use it with

And  explain why it is important to your family

A  piece of equipment that is really important in my home is the something very  simple, actually. It’s the air conditioner! The air conditioner is something we  tend to take for granted, but in actual fact, it’s essential is you live  somewhere hot, or somewhere that has really hot summers. You forget how  important the air con is until you’re breaks! This is why this spring to mind –  because last summer, it was stiflingly hot, and the electricity cut out for an  entire day in our apartment. That day it was impossible to cope – it was so hot  it was unbearable. So, we sat around for hours waiting for the electricity to  start working again. During those long hours my family and I realisedd suddenly  just how important air conditioning was, and we talked a bit about how we had  taken it for granted, and considered how people cope in hot countries if  they’re poor and don’t have air con, or in the past when it hadn’t even been  invented. Life must have been really tough then. This is the case with a lot of  modern inventions – we now take them for granted and simply don’t think about  what life would be without them. I think perhaps, our grandmother’s generation  have a lot more appreciation for these things, because they grew up through  greater hardship, before anyone really had these mod cons and domestic  appliances. I think it’s good to remember this, and not just hail and admire  all the new tech advances, but truly appreciate those inventions that have  really saved us from a lot of domestic struggle and suffering! The washing  machine is another one! Think about how much labour that has saved people since  it’s invention! Amazing really!





