2021.08.05 16:10
61.confidential (adj.)机密的
He refused to allow his secretary to handle confidential letters.
62.payday (n.)支付日,发薪日
I wonder if you could lend me $200 to tide me over until payday.
63.cashier (n.)出纳员,收银员
The cashier was thrown to the ground by the robber.
64.bank account (np)银行账户
You can open a bank account online easily today.
65.financial market (np)金融市场
Financial experts say the uS-china trade truce should boost financial markets.
66.market share (np)市场份额
Well, previously our challenge was to develop our market share.
67. share option (np)期权,股票认购权
The pay's no better, but with share options and things on top.lt was worth changing.
68. virtual bank (np)虚拟银行
Whenever a subject created an invention and clicked on the "Make" button, money would appear in their virtual bank.
69. venture capital (np)风险投资
And this was way beyond me.So l went looking for some venture capital.
70. wire transfer (np)电子转账
Okay, have you made a wire transfer at our bank before?
71.pay-in slip (np)存款单
Please mail the original bank pay-in-slip together with this form to us.
72.passbook, deposit book (np)存折
Do you have your Current All-in-one Pass-book with you? I'll need your password for this transaction.