2021.08.05 14:27
15.pottery 陶器
The old woman had to sit in the corner behind the stove and they gave her just a little food in a pottery bowl.
16.prerequisite 前提
Babies may try to explore more, but the prerequisite is to have a basic balance of the action.
17.prospectus 宣传册
Browsing the course list is like reading a prospectus for the world's most exciting university.
18.quotation 引用
The message is often a famous quotation, religious principle or short poem.
19.recorded delivery 挂号邮寄
Your letter should be typed, where possible, and sent by recorded delivery.
20.recycled material 再生材料
lt's rare to see post-consumer recycled material in packaging that contacts food directly.
21.referee 裁判
As the referee counted, the boxer rallied and got to his feet.
22.registered post 挂号投递
She must have received the parcel. I sent it by registered post.
23.rehearsal 彩排
l learned that it is not a dress rehearsal,and that today is the only guarantee you get.
24.representative 代表
ln business negotiations,parties to thetransaction may not understand,and personal image is often representative of the corporate image.
25.respondent 被调查者
our respondents refused to disclose their names.
26.reviewer 审核人
Ideall, every line of code should be read by at least two people: its author,and a reviewer.
27.rubber 橡胶
scientists are selectively breeding rubber trees to thrive at higher altitudes and trying to make them mature faster.
28.safari park 野生动物园
The safari park are famous habitat for endangered species of elephants.