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2021.07.08 17:27

The maps illustrate how Meadowside village and Fonton, which is a   neighbouring town, have developed over three different time periods (1962, 1985   and the present).


Overall, Meadowside village increased in size and has become Meadowside   Suburb as it merged together with Fonton. Furthermore, there have been   significant changes in infrastructure, housing and facilities over the period   given.

In 1962, both Meadowside and Fonton were completely separate with no roads   or rail connecting them. While Fonton had a railway line running through it to   the north, Meadowside, located to the west of Fonton, only had a small road from   the west.

By 1985, there was a considerable growth in the size of Meadowside village   and Fonton. The small road in Meadowside village had been converted into a main   road and was also extended to the east to connect with Fonton. Meadowside,   moreover, had also developed a housing estate in the west, a leisure complex and   a supermarket in the south.

Currently, both Meadowside, which is now a suburb, and Fonton are joined.   The railway line, which runs through Fonton, has been extended to the west where   a train station has been built. To the north of the station, a hotel has been   constructed and opposite the station, to the south, there is now a business   park.




