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2021.07.06 14:04

  Businesses should hire employees for their entire lives.

  Do you agree or disagree?

  Model Answer:

  I would have to completely disagree with the statement above. In the   following paragraphs I will outline the basic concepts of my position.

  First of all, I will least the major disadvantages for employers. On the   today's market a company must be very flexible in order to compete with other   firms. So, imagine the situation when a company can not fire its employees to   stay on the market. It will lead to loosing not only a profit, but the clients,   market share and competitive ability. Now, imagine the situation when a company   is growing fast, everything is good and the next few years are going to be   excellent. So, employers need more people to extend the production. However,   nobody can tell what will happen in a few years. In this case, employers will be   afraid to hire new people and extend their business because they will not be   able to fire them if something goes wrong. Another important aspect of this is   that a company can not have the best employees. It can not hire the better one   without dismissing another employee.

  What kind of disadvantages will have an employee in exchange for this kind   of job security? First of all, it will be very difficult to find a job if one is   not the best, because an employer does not want to spend money on one's   education. Besides, employer will not have a chance to fire one if he does not   do his job well. Second of all, employees with this kind of security tend not to   perfect themselves because after they are hired they can not lose their job.

  In conclusion, I would like to add that this statement has some positive   aspects too such as constancy, a strong spirit of the company, etc. This system   takes place in Japan and some companies succeeded in it. But I think that the   reason of it subsists in the Japanese traditions, the particular cultural   features, habits and customs. However, on today's market here in the United   States a company can not afford to hire employees for their entire life.




