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2021年5月雅思口语新题part1:Environmental protection答案

2021.05.11 18:57


2021年5月雅思口语新题part1:Environmental protection

Part 1

Environmental protection

1 Would you like to work in a company  related to environmental protection?

I think I’d like to, but I don’t really  have the skills or qualifications to do so. I heard that a lot of famous  Chinese people are members of wildlife protection charities and things like  this. I wouldn’t mind getting involved in something like this in my spare time,  but I’m not sure how one gets into this kind of thing.

2 How can we protect the environment?

We can all do small things to contribute  towards environmental protection. Recycling, reducing our use of plastics and  batteries, taking public transport more, cycling, things like this.

3 Do you think you've done enough to  protect the environment?

I would say that I am a bit lazy in this  regard, and so are most people I know. I think there should be more school  lessons and adverts aimed at educating people about the importance of  contributing to environmental protection, actually.

4 Is there education about environmental  protection at school?

There is some degree of education for this,  I suppose. Not much though. I definitely think there should be a little bit  more, but also I feel children are pressured already too much in schools, so it  would feel to them like an extra burden to have a whole class or course on the  topic.

以上就是新东方在线小编给大家整理的2021年5月雅思口语新题part1:Environmental protection答案,希望为参加雅思口语考试的考生们提供参考价值。




