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2021.05.10 17:15



Describe a time when you helped a friend.

You should say:

When it happened

How you helped him/her

Why you helped him/her

And explain how you felt about it

A time that I helped a friend was very  recently in fact. I drove him to the airport. It’s not a very exciting story  really to be honest. Basically, he had a plane to catch and asked me if I could  drive him to the airport, because he couldn’t book a taxi for some reason. I  don’t know why he couldn’t book a taxi, maybe because it was almost the holiday  and they were fully booked. But anyway, he asked if I could give him a lift,  and of course I said yes. I have a little car you see that I used to go to work  in. So, he came round about 8am and we had a light breakfast – In fact, my  mother made jiao zi, because she said that it’s good luck to eat jiao zi before  a long trip – in fact this is a Chinese tradition dating back as far as I can  remember. So, we ate my mother’s lamb and carrot jiao zi, and we packed his  luggage in the car, and we set off to the airport. The traffic was horrific, as  it was the start of the national holiday, so I was getting really impatient for  most of the journey. I like to drive on nice open roads, I don’t enjoy stopping  and starting in thick traffic whilst worrying whether I am going to arrive  there on time. But it was an okay trip and we got there within plenty of time.  You see, I always like to set off for these kinds of things a bit early, to  relieve the pressure. We took a coffee together in the airport and I saw him  off at the departures gate, then I drove back. It’s as simple as that really,  but it’s the last time I remember helping a friend out. He’s helped me out a  lot in the past and he’s a good friend, so I am always willing to be there for  him when he is in need, if I can lend a hand and help him out. It’s an  important part of a friendship to be there both practically and emotionally for  another person if they need help, and it builds trust, especially over a period  of knowing someone for years.





