2021.03.25 12:20
Cambridge 12 (下列词汇顺序为:题目词汇=原文词汇;括号内为题号)
1. sharp points = tips (n.) 尖部(2)
2. coating (n.) = glazes (n.) 包覆物(3)
3. because of = due to 由于(4)
4. how to make glass = the secret of glass making 如何制作玻璃;玻璃制造的秘方;(5)
5. became famous = gained reputation 变得有名;获得声誉;(6)
6. developed (v.) = invention (n.) 开发出;发明; (6)
7. using = introducing 使用 (6)
8. avoid the occurrence = counter the effect 避免……的出现;抵抗……的影响;(7)
9. the fastest……that existed at the time = quicker than any previous production method 当时最快的……;比之前任何制造方法都快的……;(9)
10. design (v.) = developed (v.) 设计;发明;(10)
11. nowadays (n.) = today (n.) 现在,如今;(11)
12. environment (n.) = green issues 环境;绿色环保;(12)
13. increased demand = becoming ever more popular 更多的需求;变得前所未有地流行;(12)
14. expensive (adj.) = costs (n.) 贵;成本;(13)
15. produce; manufacture (v.) = melt (v.) 生产;制作;融解;(13)
16. survived (v.) = extinction (n.); died out; 生存下来;灭绝;(14)
17. previously thought = estimated (adj.) 之前所认为的;预计的;(14)
18. increase biodiversity = creating dynamic process 增加生物多样性;创造(生物的)动态循环(15)
19. benefits (n.) = interests (n.) 益处;利益;(17)
20. positive message = vision 积极信息;愿景;(18)
21. appealing (adj.) = inspiring (adj.) 吸引人的;振奋人心的(18)
22. evidence (n.) = instance (n.) 证据;情形;(19)
23. danger (n.) = threat (n.) 危险;威胁;(19)
24. increased enormously = exploded (v.) 爆发式增长(20)
25. minimal threat = little risk 最小的风险(21)
26. farm animals = livestock (n.) 牲畜(21)
27. link efficiently with = marries well with 很完美的结合了…… (22)
28. initiatives (v.) = aim (n.) 目的(22)
29. return (v.)= bring back回归(22)
30. trees (n.) = forests (n.) 树木;森林;(22)
31. large growth = tripled (v.) 大量增长;变成了三倍;(24)
32. agricultural (adj.) = farming (n.) 农业的;农业(25)
33. extended (n.) = spread (n.) 扩大(25)
34. commercial advantages = lucrative(adj.)有利可图的(26)
35. external bodies = governments, regulators, central banks and auditors 外部实体;政府、监管部门、中央银行和审计局;(27)
36. held responsible = blame (n.) 被认定有责任;责怪;(27)
37. impact (n.) = effect (n.) 影响(28)
38. close examination = scrutiny (n.) 仔细审查(28)
39. take part in = involved (v.) 参与;涉及(29)
40. solving = addressing 解决 (29)
41. proposal (n.) = solution (n.) 提议;解决方案(30)
42. looking far enough ahead = focus sufficiently on longer-term matters 足够的前瞻性;充分关注长远利益;(31)
43. disputes (n.) = combat zone 争论(32)
44. financial arrangements = compensation (n.) 财务安排;补偿;(32)
45. senior managers = chief executives高级管理人员(32)
46. fundamental change (n.) = realignment(n.) 基础变化;整治(33)
47. scrutiny (n.) = picked over and examined 仔细检查;提出来并自己检查(34)
48. increased (v.) = extensively (adv.) 增加;大量地(34)
49. informed (v.) = involved (v.) 被告知;被参与进来;(37)
50. significant issues = the most important issues 重要的问题 (37)
51. disadvantage (n.) = lacked (v.) 劣势;缺乏;(38)
52. emphasis (n.) = concentrate (v.) 强调;关注;(39)