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2021.01.06 10:45


  2021年1月雅思口语新题an illness or a disease you suffered from答案及解析


  本题并不算是真正意义上的纯新题。在2018年下半年的口语题库中曾出现过这样一道题:Describe a time when you had some medicine. (描述一次吃药的经历)本题做了修改,关键词换成了illness or disease。disease指的是疾病,一般是大病;illness指的是大病or小病,有时候也可指一些心理疾病。不过根据考生们的回忆,似乎考官的题卡上还有一个ailment这个词,意思是小病,轻症。所以大家在考场上要随机应变~


  Describe an illness or a disease you suffered from.

You should say:

What it was

When and where this happened

How you felt bout it

And explain how you recovered from that.


  I am usually in pretty good health to be honest, but the time I recall the most strongly is when I was about 15 years old I had a sort of flu – I’m not sure exactly the name of it – but it was quite contagious and I had to stay in bed for about two weeks. It was really horrible actually, and I also came out in a rash of spots all over my body. I spent those two weeks in bed doing homework, watching films and actually felt quite bored in the end. My mother made me all sorts of different soups every day and I just rested, slept a lot, and drank a lot of hot drinks. Also, my father insisted I take some Chinese medicine drinks which tasted horrible – but they do say that if the medicine tastes horrible then it’s surely good for you! So, yes, I had some medicine from the hospital, some good soups and this Chinese medicine my father got, and after a week or so I started to feel better, especially after the fever had broke. Then in the second week I rested and eventually I felt fine again, and spent a few days just taking care and not doing much, then I went back to school when I felt one hundred percent again. There are a number of other times in my life when I’ve been sick, but this time I just described is probably the time I felt more sick than ever, and really was suffering a lot, especially in that first week. I think that children and teenagers often get the most sick when they are going to school and mixing with people from all over the place. This is the time when we are also building up our immune systems against all number of illnesses and diseases, so it’s quite common that people get struck down by flus and nasty illnesses in one’s younger years.


  the time I recall the most strongly:我印象最深的一次


  come out in a rash of spots: 身上起了很多疹子

  after the fever had broke: 退烧了(一定要注意这里的break这个词的运用噢!!!)

  build up immune system:增强免疫能力

  get struck down:被…击倒




