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剑8Test3雅思听力题目+答案:Section 4

2020.11.25 12:14

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  SECTION 4 Questions 31-40

  Questions 31-34

  Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

  Trying to repeat success

  31 Compared to introducing new business processes, attempts to copy existing processes are

  A more attractive.

  B more frequent.

  C more straightforward.

  32 Most research into the repetition of success in business has

  A been done outside the United States.

  B produced consistent findings.

  C related to only a few contexts.

  33 What does the speaker say about consulting experts?

  A Too few managers ever do it.

  B It can be useful in certain circumstances.

  C Experts are sometimes unwilling to give advice.

  34 An expert's knowledge about a business system may be incomplete because

  A some details are difficult for workers to explain.

  B workers choose not to mention certain details.

  C details are sometimes altered by workers.

  Questions 35-40

  Complete the notes below.

  Write ONE WORD ONL Y for each answer.

Setting up systems based on an existing process

Two mistakes

Manager tries to:

· improve on the original process

· create an ideal 35 …………………… from the best parts of several processes

Cause of problems

· information was inaccurate

· comparison between the business settings was invalid

· disadvantages were overlooked, e. g. effect of changes on 36Solution

change 37………………………………

impose rigorous 38………………………………

copy original very closely:

- physical features of the 39………………………………

- the 40 ……………………………… of original employees

  Section 4, Questions 31-40

  31 B

  32 B

  33 B

  34 A

  35 combination/system

  36 safety

  37 attitude(s)

  38 control(s)

  39 factory/factories

  40 skills

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