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剑8Test2雅思听力题目+答案:Section 3

2020.11.23 14:43

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  SECTION 3 Questions 21-30

  Questions 21-24

  Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

  Honey Bees in Australia

  21 Where in Australia have Asian honey bees been found in the past?

  A Queensland

  B New South Wales

  C several states

  22 A problem with Asian honey bees is that they

  A attack native bees.

  B carry parasites.

  C damage crops.

  23 What point is made about Australian bees?

  A Their honey varies in quality.

  B Their size stops them from pollinating some flowers.

  C They are sold to customers abroad.

  24 Grant Freeman says that if Asian honey bees got into Australia,

  A the country's economy would be affected.

  B they could be used in the study of allergies.

  C certain areas of agriculture would benefit.

  Questions 25-30

  Complete the summary below.

  Write ONE WORD ONLY for each answer.

Looking for Asian honey bees

Birds called Rainbow Bee Eaters eat only 25………………, and cough up small bits of skeleton and other products in a pellet.

Researchers go to the locations the bee eaters like to use for 26…………………………

They collect the pellets and take them to a 27 ………………………… for analysis.

Here 28 ………………………… is used to soften them, and the researchers look for the 29…………………………  of Asian bees in the pellets.

The benefit of this research is that the result is more 30…………………………  than searching for live Asian bees. 

  Section 3, Questions 21-30

  21 A

  22 B

  23 C

  24 A

  25 insects

  26 feeding/eating

  27 laboratory

  28 water

  29 wings

  30 reliable/accurate

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