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剑7Test1雅思听力题目+答案:Section 2

2020.10.26 17:31

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  SECTION 2 Questions 11-20

  Questions 11-16

  Choose the correct letter, A, B or C.

  11 PS Camping has been organising holidays for

  A years.

  B 20 years.

  C 25 years.

  12 The company has most camping sites in

  A France.

  B Italy.

  C Switzerland.

  13 Which organised activity can children do every day of the week?

  A football

  B drama

  C model making

  14 Some areas of the sites have a 'no noise' rule after

  A 9.30 p.m.

  B 10.00 p.m.

  C 10.30 p.m.

  15 The holiday insurance that is offered by PS Camping

  A can be charged on an annual basis.

  B is included in the price of the holiday.

  C must be taken out at the time of booking.

  16 Customers who recommend PS Camping to friends will receive

  A a free gift.

  B an upgrade to a luxury tent.

  C a discount.

  Questions 17-20

  What does the speaker say about the following items?

  Write the correct letter, A, B or C, next to questions 17-20.

A   They are provided in all tents.

B   They are found in central areas of the campsite.

C   They are available on request.

  17 barbecues …………………

  18 toys ………………...

  19 cool boxes ………………..

  20 mops and buckets

  Section 2, Questions 11-20

  11 B

  12 A

  13 B

  14 C

  15 C

  16 A

  17 C

  18 A

  19 C

  20 B




