
资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思口语 > 正文

2020.10.21 16:37



  Describe a law in your country.

  You should say

  what the law is

  what type of law it is (or, what kind of behaviour this law seeks to regulate)

  how good (how necessary or effective or how suitable) you think this law is

  And explain how this law affects people.


  The law that I think is good is the plastic-bag usage law which took effect on June 1st 2008. Plastic bags are no longer offered for free when shopping. You now need to either bring your own bag or pay for a plastic bag. I think it is a great law because it aims to protect the environment by reducing white pollution.

  I remember the day the law took effect. It was the weekend and I was at the supermarket buying food for the week. I normally try to do all my shopping during the weekend, because I don’t have time during the week to go to the supermarket. I got to the check-out counter with a full basket of food. The check-out woman asked if I had a bag or if I wanted to purchase a bag. I had completely forgotten about the new law! I ended up having to purchase a bag, but instead of buying a plastic bag I opted to buy a reusable canvas bag. Though it was more expensive, I still use that same bag every time I go shopping.

  It pleases me to see more and more people bringing their own shopping bags with them to the super market since the law took effect last year. It just goes to show that people really do care about our environment.


  Restricting the use of plastic packaging限制塑料袋的使用

  塑料袋 (plastic bags or plastic packaging)

  白色污染 (white pollution)

  环保袋 (environment-friendly bags)

  生物可降解 (biodegradable)

  能源消耗 (energy consumption)

  不可再生资源 (non-renewable energy resources)

  出台法律 (roll out/introduce/ put forth/pass the law)

  Intellectual Property Right Law知识产权法

  正版 (authentic/real/genuine copy)

  盗版 (pirated/fake copy)

  下载 (download) 下载文件链接 (download link)

  打击 (crack down on/stamp out)

  在线观看 (online video streaming)

  睁一只眼闭一只眼 (turn a blind eye to)

  What the law is?

  New Labour law 新劳动法

  Traffic Laws 交通法

  Environmental Protection law 环境保护法

  Taxation law 税务法

  New plastic-bags standards塑料袋使用规定

  One Child Policy 独生子女政策

  When it went into effect?

  Come into force

  Go into effect

  Become effective

  Take effect

  New Labour law 新劳动法:Jan, 2008

  New plastic-bags standards 塑料袋使用规定: June, 2008





