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2020年9-12月雅思口语题库part1答案解析:Borrowing or Lending

2020.09.23 18:10

  每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月,会有40%左右的旧题从上一季的口语题库中删除,加入新的口语话题。今天新东方在线小编就给大家整理了2020年9-12月雅思口语题库part1答案解析:Borrowing or Lending,大家可以作为学习参考,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语考试!



  Borrowing or Lending

  1. Have you borrowed books from others?

  Yes, I used to borrow books in school all the time, especially when online books and digital resources were not so available. Nowadays a lot of my reading materials are online, so I don’t borrow books as often, in fact quite rarely.

  2. Have you borrowed money from others?

  Yes, I’ve borrowed money on a few occasions from others. I don’t like doing it actually. I don’t like to be in debt and I find it a bit embarrassing, but there are a few occasions I’ve borrowed money – mainly when I’ve forgot my wallet, or lost a bank card or occasions like this.

  3. Do you like to lend things to others?

  I neither like it nor dislike it! It’s something that I’ve had to do from time to time. It’s important that the person gives back what you’ve lent them, though, so it’s best if the person is a reliable and trustworthy individual. Usually I’ve had fairly positive experiences when I’ve lent things to people.

  4. How do you feel when people don’t return things they’ve borrowed from you?

  I feel upset, a bit let down and disappointed. Though I can understand if people sometimes forget – it depends what I’ve lent them really, and how much it means to me. Generally there is an unspoken rule that you should return anything someone lends to you, but this doesn’t always happen, of course! So, yeah, I feel usually a bit disappointed and embarrassed to ask them to return it, you know, to remind them.




