2020.09.09 13:51
每年的1、5、9月为雅思换题月,会有40%左右的旧题从上一季的口语题库中删除,加入新的口语话题。今天新东方在线小编就给大家整理了2020年9月雅思口语part1新题答案解析:Making a list,大家可以作为学习参考,希望能够帮助大家更好的备考雅思口语考试,先睹为快吧!
Making a list
1 Do you like making a list when you go shopping?
I almost always make lists when I go shopping, yes. I find that I easily forget things if I don’t make a list and that’s a real pain. So, I always make a list, usually on a piece of paper or the notes section of my mobile phone. Then I follow the list when I’m in the shops or supermarket. Even if I shop online, I usually make a list first, so I can tick the items off one after another and not forget any of them.
解析:答案不仅回答了“喜不喜欢在购物的时候列清单”,还拓展了“在哪里列清单”( usually on a piece of paper or the notes section of my mobile phone.)如何使用清单”( I can tick the items off one after another and not forget any of them)。
2 Do you like making a list when you are working (studying)?
I make lists when studying all the time. I have a lot of different things to do in my studies and I make a list of the priorities: like the books I need to borrow or the resources I need to find for a dissertation or essay. I’m a huge fan of making lists and it helps to keep me organized and hit the deadlines without stress.
解析:keep me organized的意思是让我保持一个有条不紊的状态;hit the deadlines without stress的意思是毫无压力地在截止日期前完成某项工作。
3 Why do some people hate making lists?
Some people are quite averse to lists. I’m not sure why really. I think they are perhaps either already highly mentally organized anyway, and can hold a lot of things in their minds in order, so they don’t need to make physical lists, or perhaps they just feel lists are a bit boring, a bit daunting even, and intimidating because they then look at the lists and feel like they’ve got a mountain of work ahead of them to get through. So, they prefer to avoid list-making.
解析:be averse to的意思是不喜欢做某事,反对做某事;hold a lot of things in their minds in order,在这个短语中,hold这个动词使用的非常巧妙;daunting的意思是使人胆怯的,气馁的。不喜欢列清单的人可能是觉得这个行为比较有压迫感,似乎有成山堆积的工作等着完成。