2020.09.09 12:05
Describe a sentence or a few words you like from a poem or a song. You should say:
What it is How you know this poem or song Why you like this poem or song and explain how you feel about this sentence or a few words
Oh this is a tough question! But the one that really stands out in my mind is the line from a poem by Alfred Lord Tennyson. ‘Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all’. To me this line is very meaningful and it’s clear what the poet is trying to say. Although it is painful to love someone, then lose them, through separation or death, the process of being in love with someone, being at their side, and sharing love, the struggles of love, too, is better to have experienced, than have not experienced at all. He’s basically saying that despite the suffering, we learn things from intimate experiences in life, and those things can make us stronger people. They build our character, they increase our empathy and understanding of others, and they make us the people we are today. If you hide away from experiences in life, simply to shelter yourself and keep ‘safe’ from hurt or danger, then you will never really be a strong person with a profound understanding of life and human nature. Like most lines of poems and songs, you can interpret this one in different ways, and expand on its meaning. This is something I really like about poems. They are often open to varying interpretations. I think most people are drawn to poems about love and relationships, because these things form the foundations of passion and struggle in our lives, and also these things are the things that confuse us too. Matters of the heart are always hard to deal with, sometimes troubling, and we are all left wondering in our marriages or relationships “is this really worth it? Is it worth the struggle and conflict of personalities being with this person?” – for many relationships involve a degree of conflict, difference of opinion, arguments and strife about differing values and life decisions, and we all think, if we are honest with ourselves “is this really worth it!? It could be easier if I were alone!!’ This quote by Tennyson is a reminder of the value of what we learn from relationships, and even failed relationships or those in which a partner sadly dies. And, therefore on several levels it resonates with me and is meaningful. 解析:本题属于新题首次出现。虽然在之前的题库中,关于 song 或者 music 的考题屡见不 鲜,但是问的这么细致的话题还是比较少见的,而且还加了一个范围:poem(诗歌)。答 案中提到的这句话:Tis better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all 的中文意 思为:爱全落了空 也比从来都没爱过要好。是由丁尼生为了纪念挚友的突然离世而作。作 者由这句诗产生了很多感悟:人生中的很多亲密关系都是有存在的意义的,比如,They build our character, they increase our empathy and understanding of others,他们塑造了我们 的性格,让我们变得更能共情,更善解人意。但在与人的交往中,我们也会有摩擦,也会 经常质问自己,到底值不值得?作者通过这句诗感悟到了,与其质疑,倒不如放手去爱, 去拼一次,最后总能学习到一些东西。