2020.09.09 12:02
Describe an event you experienced but you didn’t like the music played there.
You should say:
When it happened
Where the event took place
What kind of music it was
and explain why you didn’t like the music
I remember very clearly a time when I went to a live concert, a live gig, and really didn’t like the music. It was a few years ago and my friend had a spare ticket to go to a concert in a place in Beijing called Yugongyishan - at the time it was a famous live music venue, which I think has closed down now. Anyway, it was to see a band called The Subs. I had not heard of the band, but it was a local, and quite well-known, Beijing punk band, apparently. I’d never really heard punk music before, so I was curious about the experience, so I agreed to go along with my friend. The gig started around 9pm and went on really late. There were a couple of other bands that played beforehand, but we missed those and just got there in time for the main band, The Subs. I recall that the whole place had amazing lighting and there were crowds of people near the stage, and a few free tables about half way down the room, where it wasn’t so busy. We stood at one of the tables and ordered some drinks. The band came on, on time, with a girl with bright pink hair as the lead singer – she was short, dressed in ripped jeans and a pink top to match her wild pink hair. She basically shouted, screamed I’d say, down the microphone, and then the guitars and drums kicked in and the place went wild. Basically, it was two full hours of loud, aggressive guitar, pounding drums and this girl leaping around the stage screaming into the microphone. Although a lot of the crowd seemed to love it, including my friend, I simply didn’t enjoy it one little bit – I thought it was crazy. I just don’t like aggressive styles of music like heavy metal or punk, I guess. They don’t really resonate with me – so although I guess I can appreciate why some people are attracted to them, personally, I don’t see the appeal – I found the whole gig nothing but a torture to my ears. After the gig I was massively relieved to be out of the place and away from the piercing noise, the screaming and shouting and the grinding sound of the guitars. I felt that my ears had almost been damaged and they were ringing as I waited for the taxi. My friend tried to explain the rebellious history of punk music and the alternative scene in Beijing, and how cool it was. But, I guess I’m quite a conventional person really – I just didn’t get it – it’s just not my style and not the kind of night out that relaxes or stimulates me. In fact, I was relieved to go home. I’ll never go to a punk concert again, I’m sure of that! I like the lighter, positive, upbeat sound of pop music, the grace of classical music and things like this. I like to see those kind of things live, but not punk or heavy rock music. I’m now very sure of that.
gig:现场演奏会,现场演唱会; 现场喜剧表演
spare ticket:余票
ripped jeans:破洞牛仔裤
a pink top:这里的top指的是上衣,并不是本意“顶部”
go wild:变得疯狂,肆意妄为
resonate with somebody:与某人产生共鸣(还可以表达为:connect with somebody)
I found the whole gig nothing but a torture to my ears.:这句话作者描述的非常生动,完美诠释了这个朋克音乐是多么让“我”痛苦,是对“我”耳朵的一种折磨。大家可以用在自己的答案中~