2020.07.16 15:06
提到雅思备考,我们最先想到的就是剑桥雅思真题,剑桥雅思真题作为雅思备考中的热门教材,一直以来深受广大考生追捧。今天新东方在线小编就给大家整理了剑13Tset2雅思口语题目:Part 3,希望能都帮助大家更好的备考雅思考试,更多剑桥雅思真题原文、题目及答案解析相关内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线雅思网。
Discussion topics:
Technology and education
Example questions:
What is the best age for children to start computer lessons?
Do you think that schools should use more technology to help children learn?
Do you agree or disagree that computers will replace teachers one day?
Technology and society
Example questions:
How much has technology improved how we communicate with each other?
Do you agree that there are still many more major technological innovations to be made?
Could you suggest some reasons why some people are deciding to reduce their use of technology?
以上就是小编为烤鸭们整理的“剑13Tset2雅思口语题目:Part 3”的全部内容,希望同学们能够认真学习剑桥雅思真题,早日和雅思说分手,更多剑桥雅思真题相关备考材料内容,欢迎随时关注新东方在线雅思网。