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剑13Tset1雅思听力原文:Section 3

2020.07.14 18:31

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Test 1-Section 3
[00:59.43Emma: We've got to choose a topic for our experiment, haven't we, Jack?
[01:04.52Were you thinking of something to do with seeds?
[01:07.36Jack: That's right.
[01:09.11I thought we could look at seed germination - how a seed begins to grow.
[01:14.30Emma: OK.
[01:15.48Any particular reason?
[01:17.44I know you're hoping to work in plant science eventually ...
[01:20.73Jack: Yeah, but practically everything we do is going to feed into that.
[01:25.33No, there's an optional module on seed structure and function in the third year that I might do, so I thought it might be useful for that.
[01:35.79If I choose that option, I don't have to do a dissertation module.
[01:40.83Emma: Good idea.
[01:42.20Jack: Well, I thought for this experiment we could look at the relationship between seed size and the way the seeds are planted.
[01:51.19So, we could plant different sized seeds in different ways, and see which grow best.
[01:57.71Emma: OK.
[01:59.19We'd need to allow time for the seeds to come up.
[02:02.03Jack: That should be fine if we start now.
[02:04.87A lot of the other possible experiments need quite a bit longer.
[02:10.09Emma: So that'd make it a good one to choose.
[02:13.52And I don't suppose it'd need much equipment; we're not doing chemical analysis or anything.
[02:20.44Though that's not really an issue, we've got plenty of equipment in the laboratory.
[02:25.60Jack: Yeah.
[02:25.89We need to have a word with the tutor if we're going to go ahead with it though.
[02:31.14I'm sure our aim's OK.
[02:33.63It's not very ambitious but the assignment's only ten percent of our final mark, isn't it?
[02:40.77But we need to be sure we're the only ones doing it.
[02:44.87Emma: Yeah, it's only five percent actually, but it'd be a bit boring if everyone was doing it.
[02:52.16Jack: Did you read that book on seed germination on our reading list?
[02:56.59Emma: The one by Graves?
[02:58.73I looked through it for my last experiment, though it wasn't all that relevant there.
[03:04.12It would be for this experiment, though.
[03:06.76I found it quite hard to follow - lots about the theory, which I hadn't expected.
[03:12.69Jack: Yes, I'd been hoping for something more practical.
[03:17.36It does include references to the recent findings on genetically-modified seeds, though.
[03:23.20Emma: Yes, that was interesting.
[03:25.26Jack: I read an article about seed germination by Lee Hall.
[03:29.52Emma: About seeds that lie in the ground for ages and only germinate after a fire?
[03:35.06Jack: That's the one.
[03:36.64I knew a bit about it already, but not about this research.
[03:41.78His analysis of figures comparing the times of the fires and the proportion of seeds that germinated was done in a lot of detail - very impressive.
[03:53.01Emma: Was that the article with the illustrations of early stages of plant development?
[03:58.79They were very clear.
[04:00.48Jack: I think those diagrams were in another article.
[04:45.69Emma: Anyway, shall we have a look at the procedure for our experiment?
[04:50.01We'll need to get going with it quite soon.
[04:52.38Jack: Right.
[04:53.63So the first thing we have to do is find our seeds.
[04:58.17I think vegetable seeds would be best.
[05:01.43And obviously they mustn't all be the same size.
[05:05.48So, how many sorts do we need?
[05:08.64About four different ones?
[05:10.90Emma: I think that would be enough.
[05:12.72There'll be quite a large number of seeds for each one.
[05:16.67Jack: Then, for each seed we need to find out how much it weighs, and also measure its dimensions, and we need to keep a careful record of all that.
[05:27.42Emma: That'll be quite time-consuming.
[05:30.02And we also need to decide how deep we're going to plant the seeds - right on the surface, a few millimetres down, or several centimetres.
[05:39.25Jack: OK.
[05:40.30So then we get planting.
[05:42.53Do you think we can plant several seeds together in the same plant pot?
[05:47.61Emma: No.
[05:48.57I think we need a different one for each seed.
[05:51.66Jack: Right.
[05:53.52And we'll need to label them - we can use different coloured labels.
[05:58.07Then we wait for the seeds to germinate - I reckon that'll be about three weeks, depending on what the weather's like.
[06:06.63Then we see if our plants have come up, and write down how tall they've grown.
[06:12.06Emma: Then all we have to do is look at our numbers, and see if there's any relation between them.
[06:17.24Jack: That's right.
[06:17.89So ...

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