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2020.05.19 17:27

  盼星星盼月亮,2020年已过半......没等来雅思复考却等来口语换题季,虽然国内5月雅思考试已取消、6月还没有消息...但报考后续场次的考鸭们还是非常关心: 雅思什么时候恢复考试?复考后,会换题么?

  对于雅思恢复考试的时间,还是要看国内疫情防控情况,以及各高校开学后的应对措施,如果6月考试取消,只能寄希望于7月,复考后雅思口语大概率会换题! 因为口语题库是全球通用的,当前部分其他国家及地区的雅思考试还是在正常进行,所以国内雅思考试取消并没有使得换题季也取消,恢复考试后各位考鸭依然要面对雅思口语新题。






  (1)When do you think is the best time in life to learn to drive?

  I’d say a good time in life to learn to drive is during the university holidays. It can be quite stressful to learn to drive, and it’s much better to have regular lessons, very often, rather than a lesson occasionally or from time to time, or on the weekend. So, the summer holidays is a perfect time to start to learn to drive, I’d say.

  解析:本题在回答的时候,大家要懂得随机应变。如果在考场上,考官的问题是When do you think it the best age to learn to drive? 那么大家的第一句答案句一定要是说出一个具体的年龄,比如20岁。但如果是the best time,那大家就可以采取答案这种回答方式。

  (2)How do you feel about getting older?

  Well, I have mixed feelings about getting older. On the one hand,I really like the idea of getting older, wiser,more experienced in life and more mature. Also, with this usually comes more job opportunities. On the other hand, getting older can be a little scary in some ways. Because you end up with more stress, in some ways, and then you have to consider old age, retirement and things like this…

  解析:How do you feel about… 通常情况下,这种问题类型在回答的时候是可以采用双边讨论这一回答思路的。对于变老这件事,积极方面来说,人们的阅历在增长,答案中用了wise,experienced,mature这三个形容词来描述的;消极方面来看的话,变老意味着end up with more stress,压力倍增。




  (1) Why do some people like fishing?

  Fishing is a calming sport…well, it’s a hobby really for most people. I often see people from spring onwards, fishing on the landmark river in Beijing. Usually it’s men who enjoy fishing. They sit underneath the willow trees on little chairs, with long fishing rods, and seem to sit there all day hoping to get a bite from a fish. Often I think they do it just as a form of relaxation, more than the desire to actually catch lots of fish. There’s a number of ancient Chinese stories, one by the philosopher, Zhuang Zi, where he talks about the calming benefits of fishing.

  解析:很多人喜欢钓鱼可能并不是为了一定要钓上很多鱼,只是为了放松而已。标黄的句子是本题答案的核心内容,建议大家多读几遍,感受一下native speaker的表达方式。

  (2)Do you like eating fish?

  I love eating fish, although I don’t like dealing with fish bones. I like simple white fish or salmon, served with a light sauce. Fish is apparently very good for you and have a number of essential oils in it. I actually prefer sea and river fish than other types of seafood like crabs or lobsters.


  (3)Where can you see fish?

  There are lots of places to see fish in my city. Firstly we have some really nice parks. It’s quite common in Chinese parks to have ponds and lakes with goldfish and carp in them, so if we go to the park on the weekend it’s very likely we will sit by the ponds and look at the fish. Apart from that there are quite a few people who keep fish in aquariums in their homes. Goldfish or even sometimes tropical fish.

  解析:在我们的生活中,能看到鱼的地方其实有很多,比如公园的池塘,又或者是水族馆(aquarium)等等。PART2&PART3 部分


Describe a time when you missed an appointment.
You should say:
When you missed it
Who you were with
Why you missed it
And explain how you felt about it

  解析:reschedule:重新安排;slot:位置,时间;dental clinic:牙科诊所。本题也可以和题库中的一道经典题目串用:Describe a time when you were late for something.

  There are a few times I missed appointments actually. The reason is because the traffic in my city is so bad. It’s common that you arrive late for things, even if you set off from home on time. The last appointment I missed was a dental appointment, I had to reschedule it. It was easy to reschedule, but was really annoying to go all the way there to find I was too late for my slot, and had to go all the way home again. On this particular occasion I had left home about 20 minutes early,at least I had calculated it as such, and I tried to order a taxi. However, all the taxis were busy and I stood there at the side of the road getting increasingly frustrated with the situation. I was completely alone, actually.Nobody was with me. Eventually I gave up trying to get a cab and walked to nearest bus stop. I took 3 different buses and eventually arrived at the dental clinic more than one hour late. Of course,they had given my slot to someone else – they couldn’t wait all day for me, and dentists were really busy in my time too. So I talked to the receptionist, rescheduled the appointment for another day and went all the way back home, yes, by the same awkward bus route as I had come. I felt really annoyed, frustrated and disappointed that I had wasted so much time simply because all the taxis were booked up..

  Part 3 Questions:

  Is it important to have a daily plan?

  I believe so, yes. I’m a pretty organized person to be honest. Admittedly sometimes on weekends I might let myself go and become quite disorganized, go out late with friends and forget about plans and organization entirely. But that’s only when I’m free or attending a special occasion. The rest of the time, especially regarding work or family, I like to be on time, I like to be organized, I like to deliver projects on time and I enjoy being on top of things. I think that’s a good way to be.

  解析:I like to deliver projects on time and I enjoy being on top of things. 这句话的意思是我喜欢按期交付项目和掌握一切的感觉。如果你也是一个比较organized的人,可以把这句话加到你的答案中去。

  What kind of things need to be planned very carefully?

  For me, the things I need to plan carefully, are my work projects and studies. You see I have a full-time job,but I’m also studying a course. So, I have to be very organized and plan my time around my family as well. So, I plan my work tasks and my studies pretty carefully and always make notes and timetables for myself to help me.

  Are there some things in life that cannot be planned for?

  Yes, there are always things cropping up in life that you can’t plan for or plan easily. I can’t really think of an example right now off the top of my head though… emmmm… maybe, things like traffic jams,accidents, things completely unexpected and out of our control can’t be easily planned for. We can sometimes pre-empt likely stumbling blocks and hurdles, but there are always things out of our control we cannot really plan for or plan around.

  解析:crop up: 突然/意想不到地)出现/发生;另外,大家如果在考试中发现自己不太知道该如何回答问题的时候,可以使用答案中的这句话补白,I can’t really think of an example right now off the top of my head。




