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2020.05.07 10:56



  1. What color do you think people would choose when decorating their houses?

  2. Do you think the color of a company’s dress code represents the image of the corporation?


  1. What color do you think people would choose when decorating their houses?

  That largely depends on their preference and a lot of other factors, like gender. But the mostcommon shade chosen would be creamy white(乳白色), I mean, for the walls, cuz it gives you animpression of hygiene(卫生), but not pale white cuz it makes people feel cold and creates a senseof distance. Sometimes people also paint their children’s room into light pink or sky blue orsomething like that, depending on the sex of their kids. As for other decorations like tiles, well,that’s just up to their personal taste, those who like luxury style may choose mosaic(马赛克) wallpaintings, whilst minimalists(极简主义者) like me would prefer simple, pure colours.

  2. Do you think the color of a company’s dress code represents the image of the corporation?

  Well, the dress code, yes, but the colour of it... I’m not so sure. I mean, if a company requires itsstaff to wear formal dress all the time, like what law firms(律师事务所) or banks always do, it doesgive people a professional impression. But if you ask me if a company where everybody wearsblack suits has more competence(竞争力) compared to another one where everyone wears navyblue, I’d say it’s just not that relevant. Unless, of course, we are talking about some extreme cases,like if the organisation asks all the employees to wear pink coveralls all day long, it feels more likean insane asylum(疯人院) or something like that to me.





