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2020.05.07 10:46



  1. What’s the difference between face-to-face conversation and phone conversation?

  2. Which one do you prefer? Face-to-face conversation or phone conversation?

  3. Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?


  1.What’s the difference between face-to-face conversation and phone conversation?

  People talk about small trivial subjects on the phone. I mean, phone conversation is usually todeliver some urgent message. Most people would prefer to communicate face to face when itcomes to important matters. I mean, generally it is like that. You see, important matters are alwaysdiscussed face to face. For example, nobody would settle down the contract terms over the phone.They’d sit down to talk about it. I guess that’s why country leaders fly around to visit each otherfor important matters, rather than talking on the phone. Right? So, I suppose face to faceconversation is more effective than phone communication.

  2.Which one do you prefer? Face-to-face conversation or phone conversation?

  Personally, I prefer face to face conversation. One, because face to face conversation is moredirect. You see, when we sit down face to face, we have multiple other ways to communicate witheach other besides verbal language. A person’s facial expressions, body gestures, and eye contactcan all tell us certain things. These messages will increase our communication quality, for sure.However, if we are talking on the phone, all communication is done by verbal sound. Not thatlanguage is not effective, but language alone sometimes leads to misunderstanding, and it is notalways reliable. Like, I wouldn’t be able to tell if someone is lying to me when I’m on the phone. SoI’d rather spend the time sitting down to have a talk if possible.

  3.Are there any disadvantages of face-to-face conversation?

  Disadvantages, yeah, there certainly can be. I mean, regardless of the many merits that face toface communication carries with it, you do have to travel to meet someone if you want to talk faceto face. That traveling can take up quite a bit of time, especially when you live in big cities wheretraffic conditions are often terrible! Apart from that, as` I mentioned earlier, face to facecommunication is more straightforward and direct. So if the subject is sensitive, and theconversation doesn’t go smoothly, it can embarrass the communicators. The atmosphere may getawkward instantly.





