
资讯中心 > 雅思 > 雅思资讯 > 雅思预测 > 正文

2019.12.30 13:54




  Describe an occasion when you got incorrect information

  You should say:

  When you got it

  How you got it

  How you found it was incorrect

  And explain how you felt about it


  我一年级的时候,一天早上外面下着倾盆大雨,我爸爸告诉他刚看了网上的新闻说今天不用上课。我听 到之后很开心,因为我可以多休息一下。后来,下午班主任打电话给我,问我为什么没有请假但是又不上课。我跟她说我爸爸说今天下暴雨不用上课。老师知道后哭笑不得,说那不是真的。不用上课的话,学校 会统一通知。我知道了之后,觉得挺开心。反正不用上课。

  This topic card reminds me of one day when I was in Grade one. In the morning, the sky wasgloomy. Afterwards, there was a bolt, and a strong light seemed to divide the sky into two pieces.My dad opened the door of my room and told me he had looked at the news online and I didn’tneed to go to school today. Personally, I was on cloud nine (开心到九霄云外) after hearing thispiece of news. I wished that the rain would be heavier and heavier. Actually I burnt the midnight oil(挑灯夜战) for studying the night before, so I felt sleepy still. My joy was beyond words (快乐难以言 喻) when I knew that I could let my hair down (放松) that day. Afterwards, I went back to sleep.When I was about to have lunch, my teacher called me. She was kind of anxious and asked me whyI didn’t attend class that day without asking for leave. Honestly, I was too astonished to say aword. I said my dad read the internet news and told me that the school was closed today. Afterhearing my explanation, my teacher didn’t know whether to laugh or to cry. (哭笑不得) She said thenews must have been fake. I would be informed by her if the school was closed due to extremeweather. Although the information was not authentic, I felt cheerful as I could be a coach potato(沙 发虫) for a day!




