2019.12.30 13:50
Describe a time that you solved a problem through the Internet
You should say:
What the problem was
How you solved this problem
How long it took to solve the problem
And explain how you felt about it
我平时课程和试验比较多,经常会错过食堂的午餐或者晚餐的供应时间,于是有一天我就下载了好几种 外卖应用,从此开始我就算再忙也能在课间或实验的间隙吃上一口热乎的外卖。如果没有网络的帮助,我就得花费更长的时间去学校外面的餐馆吃。
Being a medical student can sometimes be a curse, because it means you’ll have many morecourses and experiments compared with your counterparts in other majors. And burdensomeschoolwork means I very often have to miss lunch or dinner served in the school canteen(食堂).Well, to be completely honest, there’s nothing great there, even if I did make it to the meals. Butthey are at least actually meals. In that case, they are better than just Oreos(奥利奥) and milk. Soone day I finally decided that this had to stop, and downloaded every sort of application availablethat provides takeaway food ordering and delivery services. From then on, no matter how busy Iam, I can always have something hot that could be called decent food during breaks betweenlectures or experiments. You see, without the help of the internet, I’d have to walk out of thecampus on an empty stomach(饿着肚子) to those diners, which would take a long time. Now, Isimply have to do a few clicks on my mobile, which normally takes me less than five minutes, if Idon’t happen to be picky, and get a great meal. The only thing I’ll have to do next is to wait for thedelivery guy. The internet really helps me in this case, where it meets my needs for food, and alsomakes business more lucrative(赚钱的) for the restaurants. I’d call this a win-win situation, and Ifeel rather glad about it.