2019.12.30 11:27
Describe a time a child made you laugh
You should say:
When it was
Where you were
Who the child was
What the child did
And explain why you laughed
暑假的晚上给4岁的妹妹讲童话故事。跟她讲到《长发公主》这个故事的时候,我跟她说:“王子问长发 公主,可不可以放下长发,让他从城堡下面顺着头发爬上去。”妹妹一本正经地说:“我才不要呢,这样我 的头发会很痛的。”笑的原因1,这小孩子怎么那么认真,原因2,想起自己以前也跟她一样天真。
During the summer holiday in 2017, I travelled to Sanya and stayed at my relative’s apartment. Atthe time, I was looking after my cousin, who always carries a big smile on her face, because myaunt always worked day and night (夜以继日地工作). At night, I told her some fairy tales before shefell asleep. One night, I shared the story of Rapunzel. The story is about a princess who has long,blonde hair is confined by a wizard, and is waiting for someone who loves her deeply to save her. Itold her that a prince asked the princess who was stuck in a gloomy castle(灰暗的城堡) to pass herhair out the window so he could climb up to the castle using the princess’s long hair to rescue her.After hearing the climax of the story, my cousin said to herself ‘if I were the princess, I wouldn’thave passed my hair down to the prince because it would’ve really hurt when he climbed up’(虚拟 语气). Her words shocked me into laughter (让我大吃一惊) and I couldn’t stop laughing. I laughedbecause she took everything in the story so seriously. Plus, I was just like her when I was a littlekid. I still remember when I was a little girl and I thought that I could become a mermaid aftereating fish. I wish I can meet her and share other stories with her again soo