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2019.12.30 11:09




  Describe an occasion when you got up extremely early

  You should say:

  When you got up

  What you did that day

  Why you got up early

  And explain how you felt about it


  考试周临近图书馆总是一座难求,上个考试周前的周六,我定了5点的闹钟,准备等图书馆一开门就冲 进去占座。尽管起得太早睡眠有些不足,但早起给了我更清晰的思路,学习效率似乎也提高了不少。图书馆开馆铃声响起,我随着队伍涌入图书馆,如愿开始了新一天的学习。

  For most students, the time leading up to exam week is more often than not, a nightmare. Many

  share the experience of being put on edge by the overwhelming workload and troubled by theimmense anxiety as the exam week approaches (随着考试周临近,很多人都有被工作量和焦虑情绪支 配,感到应接不暇的经历). In this context, seats at the library are often in short supply, making thelibrary the most crowded space on campus. The Saturday before the last exam week, I set a 5 a.m. alarm clock to guarantee myself a precious seat at the library as soon as it opened at 7. Assoon as the 5 o’clock alarm rang I snuck out of bed, had a quick breakfast and left the dormitorywith books and my nap pillow (当五点的闹钟一响,我就悄悄下床,吃好早饭,带上书和午休的枕头离开了宿舍). The final exam week was indeed a crazy time when everyone seemed to abandon theirhabitual lying-in (改掉了睡懒觉的坏习惯) and devoted their time fully to preparation. I could hearsounds of reading echoing as I walked towards the library and a long queue had already beenformed at the front gate. Every minute counts, so without hesitation, I joined the queue andopened a pile of review materials. Oddly enough, although I was slightly sleep-deprived due to theearly wake up, getting up early cleared my head and improved my learning efficiency (奇怪的是,虽 然我有些睡眠不足,但早起让我的头脑更加清醒,学习的效率也大大提高). Only once I had turned thematerials to the last page did the library bell ring (not until 倒装句,直到我翻到复习材料的最后一页,图书馆的铃才响起来). I followed the queue into the library, sat by the French window as I wished forand started a new day of studying.




