2019.12.30 10:39
Describe a time when you look for information on the Internet
You should say:
When it happened
What you looked for
Where you searched on the Internet
And explain how you felt about the information
马云辞去了阿里CEO的职位,这则新闻引起了我的兴趣,想了解这件事件的始末,忍不住点进了他的个 人微博和阿里官微,也通过微博的话题标签看到了许多个人以及公众号的评价,我认为网络世界对于个人 还是比较残忍的,我们对于网络上的信息要有辨别的能力。。
Yesterday, Jack Ma resigned from the position of Ali CEO and decided to devote himself to thecause of education and charity. This news attracted extensive attention and induced fiercecontentions(广泛而热烈的争论) among the public. Actually, I was not familiar with him, but I couldnot help searching the Internet for the news. I scanned the news carefully in order to understandthe whole story. During the process of browsing, I became more and more curious about Jack Ma.Therefore, I couldn’t help but entered his personal micro-blog and Ali official micro-blog. Besides,I also read many personal and public comments on the microblog's topic tag. People'sperspectives varied and even clashed(对立) on this matter. Some were radical while some wereconservative. I think the Internet world is cruel to individuals. Many people blindly follow suit (盲目跟风) when they don’t know the truth, which is very unfair to the actual people involved. Nowadays,information grows rapidly and the Internet has become the most important source in which peopleobtained information from. However, sometimes we may be cheated by the fake information on theInternet. In other words, the network is being mature step by step in modern society, but safetyand standardization of network aren't perfect. So we all need to improve the ability to distinguishinformation on the Internet. We shouldn’t blindly follow suit or deliberately propagate falseinformation(故意传播虚假信息).