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2019.12.27 15:01




  Describe a sky you would like to see

  You should say:

  Where it is

  Who you would like to see it with

  What you would like to see

  And explain why you would like to see it


  两年前妈妈去澳大利亚旅行,回来后告诉我那里的天空蓝得像大海,白色的云朵挂在天上像棉花糖一样。 当你开车走在通往乡间的高速公路时,看着头顶的天空,感觉特别舒畅。我是一个喜欢大自然的人,她这么一说我特别心动。希望有一天和妈妈可以去一次澳洲,感受那里天空宁静的美。

  If I could, I’d like to visit Australia with my mother sometime, to see the beautiful sky there. Well, Iam a nature person. I feel most comfortable when looking up to the blue sky. I guess this is due tothe country environment that I grew up in. Yeah, there was a time when China still had nature!(没错,中国也曾经有绿水青山。). Unfortunately, everything has changed. The country town where I grew upis now turned into an industrial place that holds hundreds of factories that produce toxic wastes(有毒垃圾). The trees are gone, replaced by skyscrapers. And the water looks disgusting! The wholeplace is barely recognizable(整个地方已经面目全非了)! Well, I have traveled to other cities in Chinaas well, but you know what? They weren’t that much different. Well, you probably know what I’mtalking about. So anyway, two years ago, my mother went on a business trip to Australia and camehome all refreshed. She showed me on the video just how clean the sky looked there. It’s blue asthe sea, with white clouds hanging around. It looked surreal to me!(看起来简直不真实) Like apainting of cotton, you know? My mom said when she drove on the freeway, the sky was like onlyinches above her, but she couldn’t touch it. That's what nature felt like. I’d be lying if I say I’m notinterested in experiencing that sky personally. I hope that next time when my mother goes toAustralia, I can go with her to feel the tranquility of the beautiful sky there.




