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2019.12.27 14:16




  Describe an experience that you won a prize

  You should say:

  What it was

  When you won it

  How you won it

  And how you felt about it


  1.我小学五年级时参加学校的Spelling bee比赛。当时我妈妈对我一点信心都没有,觉得只是让我参与一 下。在中国,我们总是说贵在参与。尽管如此,我自己却对比赛非常重视,比赛前不断去找老师补习。比赛时发挥稳定,结果赢得了比赛,获得一张去厦门旅行的双程票。超级高兴!

  I want to talk about when I went for the Spelling Bee contest! I was only a primary school studentback then. My mother signed me up for(报名参加) that activity. But to tell you the truth, never inher wildest imagination did she think I could win!(她从没有想过我会赢) ‘cause, personally , I was a‘naughty’ boy (假小子). And I could never sit down for five minutes! In my culture, it’s theparticipation that counts!(重在参与) However, I suppose innately, I was also an ambitious kid, if Idecided to be. I wanted to win the award, which was a return-ticket to Xiamen, a picturesquecoastal city where my auntie lived! On the phone, she told me that the sea was beautiful and shevideoed the crystal blue sea waves for me. I desperately wanted to see the sea in person! So yeah,I buried my head in spelling practice for weeks before the contest. I went in and out of theteacher’s office to get help. In fact, maybe it was from that time, I realized that hard work nevergoes in vain(白费力气). It paid off eventually. It did! I did exceptionally well at the contest. Mymother’s jaw was gonna drop! And my class fellows looked at me with admiration. Wow, that feltso good! And, as you may have guessed, I won the round ticket to Xiamen! For the first time, I felta sense of importance, and a sense of achievement. And I had a wonderful time in Xiamen with myauntie that Summer. It was a sweet memory.




