2019.12.27 14:11
Describe a place you remember well that is full of colors
You should say:
Where it is
What it is like
What it is used for
And explain why you remember it well
两年前我和家人去了古巴旅游。古巴位于加勒比海北部,是一个群岛国家。古巴人喜欢彩色,如果你经 过十幢建筑,十幢建筑的颜色都不一样。街上来来往往的老爷车也涂满了彩漆。据说这和古巴殖民历史有 关,过去每个殖民古巴的国家都会选一种颜色代表自己侵占的领土,后来古巴人主动给一切穿上彩色的衣服。古巴人受彩色环境影响,他们热情好客,在那里我受到了他们的热情接待,让我久久无法忘怀这一段美好的旅程
I was not fully aware of the magic of color until (直到……才) I went to Cuba. Two years ago, Ichose Cuba as the destination for my family trip. Cuba is a sovereign state comprising (由……组 成) the island of Cuba as well as (也) several minor archipelagos(群岛). Cuba is located in thenorthern Caribbean where the Caribbean Sea, the Gulf of Mexico and the Atlantic Ocean meet (相 交). Havana is the largest city and capital. Upon arrival, I was nearly overwhelmed (被……震慑) bythe color spreading wall to wall in Havana. After breakfast, my mother suggested a simple walk asa ‘hello’ to the city. Well, to my surprise, I, for the first time, found that there exists color?sickness(晕色症) besides airsickness and seasickness. As we were rambling about(闲逛) thestreets, colorful buildings passed us. And all of a sudden, I was seized by(被……) a feeling ofdizziness. The diverse colors were too bright to look at in the morning sunlight. The tour guidebriefed us about the origin of the local colorful buildings. It could be dated back(追溯回) to thecolonial era(殖民时代) of Cuba when each colonial state was identifying(确定身份) his territorythrough colorizing their building. Later on, the colorizing activity evolved into(进化成) a tradition.Nowadays, even car factories cater to(迎合口味) the local taste by painting the old-style cars withcolors. The Cubans’ uniform taste(同一口味) for the car model and diverse choice of color makes itharder to pinpoint (确定位置) one’s car in the parking lot. Never mind. During the week-long stay, Icame to understand how growing up in a colorful environment nurtures one’s temperament(培育性 情). Sometimes, you don’t even have to ask, just a simple confusing look on my face can draw apassionate local resident close (引来) and offer help to me. It can be giving directions, answeringwhat time it is, or recommending a deli. And after all of those, he/she would be hoping to givemore help. Now I love being surrounded by colors; it fills me with Cuban passion(充满激情).