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2019.06.14 18:31



  Describe an interesting old person


  You should say:

  Who the person is

  How you know the person

  What personality the person has What you do with the person

  And explain why you think this person is interesting

  奶奶结石生病的时候住院不肯开刀,听邻床病友说,有人通过蹦哒把结石跳出来,然后她就天天跳,有 一次真的有东西蹦哒出来了,她很兴奋,护士来了一看,淡定的说是你把胳膊窝温度计跳的摔碎了。奶奶 真是太可爱了。我经常拉着奶奶一起锻炼,希望她能越来越健康。

  Speaking of an interesting person, I’d like to talk about my grandma, who was a funny lady, without much knowledge but with a sweetheart to un-trouble my family(不想给家人添麻烦). My grandma was in hospital a couple of(几个) months ago because she had renal stones. She was not willing to do the surgery because she thought it would cost a huge amount of money, so she stayed in the hospital for a while. The surgery kept being postponed(推迟). During that time, she heard from another old lady next to her bed that if you got renal stones in your belly, you could just force them out of(跳一跳,掉出来) your body. All you needed to do was to jump. God, I still couldn’t figure out(想明白) why she would believe this so easily. So she did it, yes, jump. She was jumping so happily and there was really something coming out of(出来) her body which made a noise on the floor. She got really excited and called the nurse. It turned out(结果是) that what was on the floor was, instead of the scary stones, the thermometer(温度计) that the nurse put under her armpit(腋窝) to measure her temperature(量体温). When the nurse told us the story I was really laughing out of breath(笑得上气不接下气). After that, grandma had the surgery. Since then, I have often taken her out to do some exercises so that she can stay healthy.




