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2019.06.11 10:32



  Describe something you do to help your study or work


  Describe something you do to help your study or work You should say:

  What it is

  How you learn it

  When you do it

  And explain how you feel about the method

  高三备战高考的期间,我通过整理错题的方法,辅助我的数学学习。这个方法由我的表姐推荐,她曾经 用这个方法短时间提高了很多分数。她告诉我整理错题的格式,和练习这些题目的次数。我每天做完作业 把一天内做错的、有疑问的题目高亮出来,然后每周末把这些题目整理在笔记本上,用钢笔抄题目,用铅 笔做。每周做前一周的题。我认为十分有效,因为这个方法让我无法逃避第一次蒙对的题目,直面我的弱 项。所以它让我成绩进步神速。并且这个自我反思错误的方法对于未来的工作和人生也有启迪意义。 Establishing error-problem sets timely is effective to improve my study. I applied the method to my math when I was preparing for the college entrance exam in grade twelve. It was my elder sister who was enrolled into Peking University that taught me to master this secret weapon(掌握秘密武 器). She emphasized the format, as well as times of practice. Every day after finishing my homework, I highlighted the math problems which I did wrong or found confusing during the day.

  Then on the weekend, I copied these problems neatly into my notebook with pen, and did those sets last week with pencil so that I could repeat doing them whenever I had spare time. At first, the approach did not seem to be working, since my math grades remained terrible. However, thanks to my sister’s encouragement, I did not give up either. In fact, the self-reflecting process(自我反思的 过程) took effect after a semester, when I magically ranked 3rd in a monthly test, and everything kept improving ever since then. The approach is highly recommended because it exposed me bluntly to my weakness(直面缺点), and it prevented me from forming the idea that I could sometimes work out problems purely by luck. Therefore, keeping error-problem sets develops self study efficiency, and promotes integrated self-reflection(推动综合性思考). Not only is this approach worth a try(值得一试) for students getting lost in exams, but the key point can be applied to work and life as well. We should all spend some time rethinking what we’ve done in the past, especially things we have done wrong, and try our best not to make the same mistakes again.




