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2019.06.11 10:31



  Describe an ideal house


  Describe an ideal house

  You should say:

  What it is like

  Where it is

  When you want to live there

  What some special features it has And explain why it is ideal to you

  石库门是中国上海特有的一种建筑类型,我理想的石库门是位于上海繁华的市区里,希望40多岁的时候 可以住到这样的房子里,用砖垒成,最外面又有大门,我甚至希望能在阁楼上开一到两个天窗,这可能是 我这套房子最典型的特点。如果能住进这么有历史感的房子里,一定是我很期待的一件事情。

  Shanghai Gate is a very special type of building in Shanghai. It was invented when foreign intruders invaded China after WWII(二战后外国侵略者入侵中国). So in my opinion, it is a perfect combination of both Chinese and foreign architecture. I also like it because although these buildings are located in the city center, they are totally cut off from the outside noise. To me, it’s like an oasis in the sea of bustling people(就像喧嚣生活中的绿洲). Therefore, my ideal Shanghai Gate would be located at the busy area of Shanghai so that I can both enjoy the modern life outside the door and indulge in my own world(沉浸到我自己的小世界里) after closing the door. I hope I can live in such a place when I’m in my forties. There is a saying in China that goes: “at 40, one begins to understand the world”(四十而不惑). I always want to know more about the history and the engravings on the doors of these buildings(门上的雕刻). Unless I can work out and truly understand these messages then I won’t be deserving of the honour of living in such a house. Indeed Only when I can truly understand the profoundness of this type of house house, can it be meaningful to live in it(只 有……才,but). As a history lover, I want my Shanghai Gate to be built with bricks because that is what it used to be like. All the independent yards are connected by a long stone path(石板路). Each yard belongs to one family. In this case, we all share one entrance yet we are independent from each other. I think neighbors helping each other is very important. By the way, my Shanghai Gate should have many windows especially one or two small skylights, because, it can not only bring me sunshine but also hope. I like history a lot and living in a Shanghai Gate is like owning a living piece of history. If I have the chance, Shanghai Gate is my ideal house.




