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2019.06.11 10:21



  Describe a type of food people eat during a special event


  You should say:

  What it is

  What event people usually eat it

  How it is cooked/made

  And explain why it is for the special event

  粽子是我们端午节时吃的。端午节是为了纪念中国的一位爱国诗人-屈原。粽子做起来也是蛮复杂的, 要提前准备好芭蕉皮,然后把米淘干净,里面可以加一些花生或者红枣,红豆,包成一个三角形。红豆在 中国的寓意是思念,所以粽子也体现了对这位爱国诗人的思念之情。

  One of the most famous traditional Chinese foods is Triangle Rice. Have you ever heard of it? I know that in some western countries, you can easily find it in the supermarket freezers!(在一些西方 国家,超市的冷柜里也随处可见粽子). Usually, we eat triangle rice to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival, the lunar calendar on the 5th of May. I guess I have to explain this festival to make sense of it. (我大概得先讲一下端午节的来历才能说粽子的含义). The Dragon Boat Festival honors a patriot poet ‘Qu Yuan’. About 2000 years ago, he did many good deeds for the people. But the emperor did not appreciate him,(当时的统治者排斥他) and exiled him instead.(他们把他流放出境) He drowned himself in the river at the end. To honor him, people went to the river each year to feed triangle rice to the fish, so they don’t bite Quyuan’s body. Gradually, this has become a tradition. You may have guessed that triangle rice is made of rice. You can also add some peanuts and dates to it. In fact, some people even add ‘red beans’ as they contain the meaning of ‘missing each other’ in Chinese culture. Also, don’t forget to add sugar. Then the rice is wrapped in Zhu leaves in a triangle shape. Zhu is a plant that has wide leaves. Its leaves are neither thin or thick and they smell pretty good after being boiled in water. Trust me, you will like it.




