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2019.06.11 10:08



  Describe a subject that you used to dislike but now are interested in


  Describe a subject that you used to dislike but now are interested in You should say:

  What it is

  Why you disliked it before

  What you are interested in now

  And explain why you become interested in it

  有很长的一段时间,我都非常讨厌英语课,主要是语法。我总是在一些细微的地方出错,所以我总是对 学习语法提不起兴趣。直到我上了大学,开始看美剧、电影,读一些原版英文文章以后,我才发现从前学 的语法其实是很重要的,帮助我更好地理解那些书和电影,我就渐渐有兴趣了。

  I hated English class for a long time because the grammar part was so boring. But I need to clarify that I only hated the grammar part. In middle school, we spent the majority of our time learning and analyzing grammar(大部分时间都要学习和分析语法现象). For example, when should we use the past perfect(过去完成式) and when to use the subjunctive mood(虚拟式). Those were the compulsory parts of our tests. I found some of those points really hard to distinguish between and I always lost points on that(丢分). It would have been acceptable to learn it for one semester(学一学期还可以接 受), but for six years, that was a true nightmare. So I should say I lost my interest in learning the grammar part. But grammar is the foundation of languages, especially for us non-native speakers(对非英语母语人士来说). After I went to college, I had more time to watch movies and read books and I found that grammar is everywhere. It is not possible to separate the grammar from the language itself(不能把语法和语言分割) and actually grammar is not so abstract when you see it used in real life. So maybe our education system should take responsibility(承担责任) for it being so difficult for Chinese students. Now I learn grammar in my everyday life and it is easier to understand. For me, I think it is important to integrate learning into daily life(把学习融入生活很重要) and I can really develop my interest in everything.




