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2019.06.10 15:43



  Describe an interesting talk or lecture that you went to


  You should say:

  When and where it was

  Who had it

  What it is about

  And explain why you felt interesting

  前几天我和朋友去听了一个有关教育的讲座。是一个英国学者开的讲座,探讨了教育与创造力的关系.这 名学者是个教育学博士,他批判了学校教育的单一性,说正统的学校教育扼杀天才;还举了一个非常有意 思的例子。这位博士的讲座特别触动我,我也觉得人各有特长,学校教育不是衡量人的惟一标准。

  I want to tell you about a lecture on education that I went to with my friend a couple of days ago. It was delivered by an English scholar,(是个英国学者讲的) discussing the subject of creativity and education, it was really intriguing! Because it was a public lecture(公益讲座) hosted in the State Library, and delivered by a foreigner, a lot of people were attracted to it. The library was so crowded that day! You would imagine that a scholar should be rigid and serious, but he was nothing but humorous, delightful and dedicated to his subject.(很多人可能会以为一个学者应该是拘谨、 严肃的,但是这位讲座上的学者超级幽默,很会调动气氛) The lecturer managed to make complicated jargon(行业术语) easy to understand, and injected jokes every now and then during the lecture(插入 各种笑话). The seemingly light-hearted lecture was thought-provoking though.(看似轻松地讲座其实 非常发人深思。) Almost everyone was deeply engaged! The lecturer used a real example to illustrate his point- a girl,who was accused of ADSD多动症 by her teacher and sent to the therapist, turned out to be a genius dancer! She left her school to join a dancing academy and became the leading ballet dancer in London after she grew up. Imagine if she had been locked up in school. What would it have done to her? Pressure? Depression? Anxiety? The lecture touched me deeply, probably because I myself never liked playing by the rules.(我一向不喜欢循规蹈矩)

  I believe that people have their own merits and the school system doesn’t fit everybody. It may even just kill a child’s creativity and talents instead. I never took an interest in education, but now I’ve been online searching TED talks and reading educational articles and books. That was a really interesting and inspiring lecture!




