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2018.09.05 14:36



  1.How often do you use a computer?

  2.Which website do you often visit on the Internet?

  3.Have you ever bought anything online?

  4.Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer?

  我们先来看几道非常常见和常规的题目,也是我们准备雅思口语考试一定会碰见的几道题。How often do you use a computer?Which website do you often visit on the Internet?Have you ever bought anything online?和一道与writing相关的一道题目叫做:Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer? 我们先聊一下思路。 一、提出误区:很多同学在遇到像electronic device这样的题目就比较紧张,觉得高科技的东西就一定也要用“高科技”的英文词汇去与之匹配,否则会显得自己很low,听到题目之后的第一反应就是在脑海里面去搜索和科技有关的一些名词,比如,programme,graphic,bug,realm name, null,hypertext这样的词。

  说实话,若是可以合理运用到你的口语答题中去,并不是不行,但对于大多数学生来说仍然是有挑战的,对于part1 里面关于computer的问题来说也是“杀鸡用牛刀”了。若是一味的强加上这样看起来很“洋气”,高bigger的词汇,只会使你的行文死板,不搭,甚至影响你的coherence。 二、解决思路:那我们该怎么样去处理这样的问题呢?我们要知道,在part1 所接触到的一系列话题都与你的行为或想法产生联系,也就是General questions about you, 所以你需要做的第一点是要围绕自己来构建话题的答案,而非单单是对高科技产品或周边词汇的堆砌。 三、范例答案:我们可以拿第一个问题为例:How often do you use a computer?作为一个Information question来说,第一个要注意的就是how often,问的是频率。而并非单纯你拿电脑来做什么,在审题时这一点一定要注意。不要哐哐哐说了一大堆你用电脑做这个干那个,而忽略了时间。 语料补充:频度副词相对来说是有限的,我们需熟练掌握的有always, usually, often, sometimes, hardly ever, never等。更高阶一点的表达可以是constantly, frequently, occasionally,from time to time, rarely等。同时注意,对于回答How often…的题型以上的词却有些笼统,如果需要,我们应该做到更为准确地表达“次”的概念。比如every day,当然更好的表达是 on a daily/weekly basis!还有比如,once a week, twice a month, three times a year等等。

  我们今天选择的这四个问题答案中,也会倾向去多使用这些表达,请同学们多加留意。 在确定了你必须要回答How often之后,剩下的才是我们用电脑干什么。由于这个问题其实非常接近我们的生活,我们每天用电脑,做的事情无非是浏览网页,搜索信息,打打游戏,看看电影,网上聊天,也有一些商务人士,可能需要收发邮件等等。其表达分别是

  browse online/surf on the Internet/information high way, search online

  play video games

  watch movies on line/download some blockbusters to watch

  chat with friends on QQ

  check/receive/send e-mails等等。

  最后,做到把a.自己 b.频率 c.事件串起来就可以了。 Sample answer: On a daily basis. I turn on my laptop every evening off class. I need to search some information related to what I learnt from school. In addition, I also browse online when I feel exhausted and look for some interesting things to relax. I occasionally download a few blockbusters to watch with my family, like twice a week, since the schedule in school is too tight, I’d like to use it both for my study and entertainment. 再来一发: Pretty much every day. There is a computer in my home and sometimes I use it to chat onlinewith my friends to relax. Also, I read the news frequently but I rarely play video gamesbecause I think it’s a waste of time. In addition, my family bought me a laptop because I needed it for my university. Now I stay in school on weekdays. So it’s quite convenient to have a computer so that I can keep in touch with my relatives and friends back home. 在这两个答案里,需要你突出你的行为,“computer”作为“I”的宾语并不需要喧宾夺主。但是关于电脑的日常表达也是同学们必须要补充的,同时注意如何处理how often这个题型。 同理,以我们自身的角度出发,来回答一下接下来的问题: Which website do you often visit on the Internet? Sample answer: I use a famous search engine in China called Baidu on a daily basis. I like this website because I can get access to almost everything I need like news, pictures,videos and maps, and I frequently read the news on it. I even set Baidu as my homepage. I guess this might be the most popular one in our country. The website is well- designed, everything is compact and clear so that I can click on whatever I want immediately. In addition, there are more and more advanced features like using the voice control instead of typing to search. It’s really fun and I use it from time to time now. 语料补充:

  search engine 搜索引擎; blog 微博; discussion forum 论坛; bar 贴吧

  homepage主页; browser/explorer浏览器; application/APP软件; history历史记录; bookmarks书签; links链接

  load/reload/upload/download载入/重新载入/上载/下载; post公布; Likes赞; bush the button按下键; click点击

  well-designed设计巧妙的; compact紧凑的; concise简洁的;in order有序地;complex复杂的; complicated繁琐的; disordered无序的; multi-functional多功能的; big colorful色彩斑斓的; dull灰暗的

  第三个问题 Have you ever bought anything online? Sample answer: Yes, I have. I actually buy some small daily items online from time to time, like clothes and snacks, and a few months ago I purchased a mobile phone online. I snapped it up from the official website so its quality is guaranteed just like in the physical shops. And it worked out very well, I received my brand new phone within 48 hours, and it works just fine. I saved a lot of time instead of comparing different types and prices buying it at the mall. So in all, it’s convenient and I’m quite satisfied. 语料补充:

  online/physical stores网店/实体店; fashion/daily item时尚/日常物品; luxury fixtures奢侈品; appliances电器; service服务;guarantee 保证书

  buy买; purchase购买; choose选择; pick form a list挑选; make a decision做决定; make up one’s mind下决心; afford支付; meet one’s meet符合某人要求; snap up抢购;on sale打折销售中; after sale售后

  in a high/poor quality质量高/低; fake假冒的;guaranteed有保障的; cheap便宜的; expensive昂贵的; cost an arm and a leg花一大笔钱


  Do you usually write by hand or write using a computer? Sample answer: I constantly write by hand since I’m still a student right now. I spend most of my time in school so I need to do a huge amount of school work and homework on a daily basis using pens or pencils. Teachers also check our handwriting in case we just doodle on papers. Actually I’m still working on it because of my poor handwriting. However, from time to time, I feel exhausted to write by hand. So when all the work has been finished, I frequently drop my pen and turn on my laptop to chat online. In addition, I’m always trying to memorize more shortcuts. I think using a keyboard to type is easier and a lot more fun. 语料补充: nice/poor handwriting优美的/糟糕的书写; calligraphy书法; traditional Chinese culture中国传统文化; mother tongue母语; keyboard键盘; capital letters大写字母; shortcuts快捷键; backlit背光; PC personal computer个人电脑; flexible fingers灵活的手指; e-mails电子邮件; reports报告

  inherit继承; handwrite手写; take notes做笔记; sit/take tests/exams参加考试; send/receive 发送/接收;type打字; write/type smoothly流利地写字/打字; doodle乱涂乱画




